Monday 19 March 2012


8 Tips to Packing and Travelling Light …

When backpacking there are so many things flying through your mind before you set of, especially if you are planning on going by yourself. You may be worried about your safety, whether you will be able to cope with carrying your backpack, where you will be sleeping and the list goes on. Here are 8 tips to packing and travelling light, this should hopefully help with one of your worries.

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8. Check what items are allowed to be carried on board

Check what items are allowed to be carried on board

Photo Credit: WintrHawk Now this will depend on how big your backpack is and how long you are travelling, if it is not too large you may be able to carry it onboard. This will mean that any items such as nail scissors or nail files may not be allowed, so it is worth finding out what the restrictions are in advance otherwise you will have to unpack your bag.

7. Enlist the help of a friend or family member

Enlist the help of a friend or family member

Photo Credit: State Library of New South Wales collection Yes you can write a list and yes you can weed items out but a friend is more likely to be able to see whether you have packed too much. They are more objective and more likely to be honest with you than you are to yourself.

6. Pack all slightly awkward items together

Pack all slightly awkward items together

Photo Credit: sparky_vision If there are items that you have to take with you that are slightly awkwardly shaped then it may be worthwhile to pack them altogether. Of course this may depend on the size of the items, probably working better for the smaller ones. This will also help you to see, before you pack, whether there are any unnecessary items.

5. Buy travel items

Buy travel items

Photo Credit: double-h There are a wide range of items specifically designed for travel purposes, for instance miniature shampoo bottles, toothpaste, shower gel and so on. There items will take up a lot less room than a normal size shower gel bottle. Also, it depends on where you are travelling to but you can always purchase some items whilst there unless you are going off into the outback.

4. Take clothes that can be mixed and matched

Take clothes that can be mixed and matched

Photo Credit: allysonk Some people worry that when they go travelling it will look as though they are wearing the same thing over and over again. In this case why not take some plain items that can be mixed and matched with other items creating an outfit that looks completely new.

3. Select a bag that is suitable for you and where you are going

Select a bag that is suitable for you and where you are going

Photo Credit: blakespot In my opinion this is probably the most important if you are travelling a long distance. The backpack needs to be one that you feel very comfortable carrying and one that is not too heavy itself, otherwise when you add items to it you will find it unbearable to carry. Also, you will need something that will not become easily squashed.

2. Make sure that you fold your clothes

Make sure that you fold your clothes

Photo Credit: mismisimos By folding your clothes you will create more room in your bag, if you fold and roll clothes within clothes this should take up even less room. It is worth trying this out in advance because then you can practice different techniques and I know that it sounds boring but it will save you a lot of hassle.

1. List the items that are necessary

List the items that are necessary

Photo Credit: sleepy terry This can be very tricky to do because you have to weed this list down to the absolute necessary. Items on the list would include underwear, at least one jumper in case the weather turns bad, a good pair of walking shoes and so on. Find out what your trip involves and remember some things you can always buy whilst away.
There you have 8 tips to packing and travelling light. These tips should at least get you started and thinking about what you need to take into consideration when packing.
Top Photo Credit: -JC- 

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